I later had some free time. So I thought I'd play with this picture a bit. I saw something when I was zoomed into the pic on the camera. I am not so sure why I chose what I chose. I think maybe because it looked like a Guess ad. I thought cool, maybe I'll make a Gucci ad. I'm not so sure they sell eye wear.

As I was working on it, I remembered an upcoming ad that I was planning on starting the next day at work for an eye wear company here in town. I thought, how neat would it be if I could do something along the lines of my Gucci ad for this company? So the next day I showed my ad and shared my thoughts with my sales rep. She said "That is way cool. Lets just use you!" So I said ok, but if I find something else I'll try that too. So I made the ad using me, based off my Gucci ad, and another version featuring a woman looking at the camera w/ regular glasses on.

My rep went out and sold the ad today. The customer loved it...and had absolutely no changes to make! My rep bought me a very large chai, left me a cute note and was so excited,she told everybody in the company about my ad and how I am the model and how they plan on running the ad many many more times. And I am now famous...Woooowa!

7/22/08 Eyemart Update:
These ads have been created all as specs based off my first ad. My main goal is to make eye wear as individual and relatable to each subject as I can. There will be even more to come.
This version is actually going to print tomorrow 7/23 in the "Summer Home Improvement" special section. I chose to play up the fact that they sell safety goggles. It was originally a full page spec, but the customer didn't want to pay that much because they had already spent a lot in July.
This version will be going to print 8/1 in the "Back To School" special section. My rep wanted me to make it fun and make it have to do with kids. I chose this girl cause she's basically telling me to get off my duff and get her some new glasses. We were very excited about this one because the customer chose to stick with the full page ad! :$)

8/8/08 Eyemart Update:
This version was a spec intended to go into this years "Answer Book." Unfortunately the customer could not afford to advertise in the special section. This ad may never see the printed pages :(