At The Daily Sentinel's 4th Quarter kick off meeting, the bosses presented us with a project. The idea was for each of the 5 different teams of artists and sales reps to come up with an ad campaign for a real or fictional company. The reps would have to come up with the content for the artist to work from and in the end make a presentation showcasing how advertising with TDS would be beneficial to them. The reps had to also propose a schedule of ads to run in the regular paper and special sections that would best suit the needs of the company.
This was the first time ever that I have had the chance to work with all three of my reps as well as all three of my reps to work together. They thought to benefit this particular company that would combine the services of one company with the main company. It would save each company in advertising dollars as well as promote both by advertising package type deals already in place by both companies. Below are the ads we proposed during our meeting for Durango Mountain Resort, CO.
One ad they proposed is a 8.5 x 11 front and back page insert, to be inserted into the regular paper. Here is the front showcasing the skiing aspect of Durango Mountain.
And here is the back showcasing the deals you get when packaging lodging with skiing as Durango Mountain.
Next up was a half page Tabloid size ad to run in special sections as well as the weekly Out & About section and the Sentinel Weekly. Most ads tend to go horizontal in these publications, but when I looked at the content, I felt a vertical ad would flow more easily.
And last was a half page ROP ad to run in the regular paper and our special ski section that comes out in November. The opposite happened for this one where I chose to go horizontal rather than vertical. I thought the ad would be WAY to tall (21 inches) and not nearly wide enough (5.833 inches).
My rep Judy chose Durango Mountain because they are one of her future prospect companies and in making spec ads for them, she hopes that all they'll have to say is yes. These ads are currently just specs and with the quality and time the four of us put into them, hopefully they will be sold!
This was the first time ever that I have had the chance to work with all three of my reps as well as all three of my reps to work together. They thought to benefit this particular company that would combine the services of one company with the main company. It would save each company in advertising dollars as well as promote both by advertising package type deals already in place by both companies. Below are the ads we proposed during our meeting for Durango Mountain Resort, CO.
One ad they proposed is a 8.5 x 11 front and back page insert, to be inserted into the regular paper. Here is the front showcasing the skiing aspect of Durango Mountain.