The answer...must be the news room. 'Cause the rest of us are sure havin a hard time gettin anything done on Halloween...The Best Time Of Year!
When I started at The Daily Sentinel in April of '08, I had no much of a big deal Halloween is to this crowd! Turns out it is a very schematic competition to be the best of the best. Well, last year and this year the Graphics department has proven ourselves to be top notch! We won Best Department in terms of decorating.
Halloween 2008...Graphics chose the theme of Chess. We all dressed up as chess pieces and created a chess kingdom.

Sarah Palin flew on in for some munchies.
The Sales Reps chose to decorate with the theme of a prison. They had a Warden (below my sales rep Judy), cops, and prisoners who were caught for very bad advertising deeds.
My boss Robert was a cop. Our Pre-Press guy Dave was a pirate.
A Prisoner in his cell
Of course I can't go out on Halloween night dressed up in my silly work costume. I transformed into Rosie The Riveter as my "after work" costume.
Well here we are in 2009. Once again Graphics went all out and transformed into Acme Graphics! Anything and everything Acme and children's shows were welcome.
The Graphics Bunch
It's Me or is it Me? Spy Vs. Spy
Miss Carmen Sandiego
Self Explanatory...
Our group of Sales Reps and Managers...Hunting For Revenue
Charlie Brown and his Pumpkin Patch hung out in Online Advertising
And a lil bit o' the newsroom did not participate. They're a rather non-participating group.
This year I decided to stick with my work costume for the entirety of Halloween. Of couse I couldn't wear the at work version out of the town. It needed to be "after work costumized." Sure saved a lil money and kept the hassle of figuring out different costumes down!
"Hi, I'm Spy."
My spy altar ego..."Hi I'm Spy."
Happy Halloween Everyone!! See You Next Year!
When I started at The Daily Sentinel in April of '08, I had no much of a big deal Halloween is to this crowd! Turns out it is a very schematic competition to be the best of the best. Well, last year and this year the Graphics department has proven ourselves to be top notch! We won Best Department in terms of decorating.
Halloween 2008...Graphics chose the theme of Chess. We all dressed up as chess pieces and created a chess kingdom.

"Hi, I'm Spy."

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