Telluride, Colorado. My next destination. This time I will be there not just for play, but to live as well. Well, I guess more to work and play. As of today, this will be my last post from my seat here in Grand Junction as I have packed up a chunk of my junk and am moving to the "Mountain Home" in Rico, Colorado where I look forward to a plethora of entirely new adventures. Away from the hot dusty dirt of the dessert and into the fresh, cool, crispness of the great San Juan Mountains!
Here is where you will find me! |
Before I can leave the wonderful valley that I love so much, I have to give a little homage to my favorite people, places and spaces of the Grand Valley! So presented to you through the lens of the camera on my iPhone over the recent years and the wonderful application known to all as Instagram, here are all of my favorite things that I will miss so very very much!
My breastest friend, The Palisade Brewery and Peach Street Distillers, The Palisade Rim Trail, Sunny ski days with Lil Man and The Hollster |
My Stash (Sir Stash 'O Lot...Mr. PiStashio), Texas Roadhouse, The Fellas of Desert Moon, Views from the Bookcliffs |
The Kokopelli Loops, The Lunch Loops, Backyard camp outs, Downtown Farmers Markets |
The Singletrack and Skinny Tire Sisters, Hiking around Palisade, Margaritas and hot tubs w/ the girls, The Hot Tomato |
The West Bench Trail in September, Downtown Farmers Markets (again), Working with my good friend Cindy Lu Lu, Powder days at Powderhorn |
Colorado Mountain Winefest (which I will most likely come back for most years), The Colorado Riverfront Concerts, Pool Sharking at the Livery Saloon, Murdock's in the spring time when the chickies arrive |
Lil Man and his Chili Dog, Mt. Garfield hikes with The Hollster and Ashley Pup, My garden and the awesome things that come out of it, Which Wich (still have a bunch of sandwiches to get from climbing 14ers) |
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